Monday 4 March 2013

Warriston Cemetery

There's a strange old cemetery near me.   It's very overgrown and atmospheric.   There are lots of fallen grave stones and grave stones that have just been piled up and put to one side.   You'd think it was completely abandoned, but it's actually pretty popular with dog walkers, and it joins onto a newer, well-maintained cemetery.   I thought it would make for some cool photos so I took my camera down there.   But somehow, I just couldn't get the photos to work.   Neither the normal jpegs or the HDR photos looked good.   In the end, I decided to try making them black and white.   I hadn't really had much experience working in black and white, and I'd never tried to make black and white HDR photos before.   My photography textbooks had a lot of advice to offer on the subject of turning photos black and white by working with one colour at a time to get the best tonal range, but didn't have a lot to say on the subject of black and white HDRs.   So I asked around, played around, and ended up whacking the contrast way up on a lot of them.   I ended up with some fairly striking and interesting results, but I think the place is definitely worth another trip in the future.

                                             And a fallen statue that works better in colour