Monday 25 February 2013

Shiny Objects

I would like, if  I may, to share with you some of the pieces of jewellery I have acquired lately.   I'll start with this one.

It's called a fluttergem.   It's a butterfly wing encased is some sort of resin to protect it and mounted as a pendant.   Because of the irridescence if butterfly wings it was really hard to get a photo to do it justice, and in fact it's a much deeper blue in real life.   Don't worry though!   There was no butterfly cruelty involved.   The butterflies are harvested once they die naturally, they are not killed for jewellery.   I really like it because it's a gorgeous blue, and because it shows off the beauty of nature.  

The next pendant is also made from a natural object, this time a slice of a geode, dipped in some sort of silvery metal.   Here it is:

I love it because it's natural, delicate and unique.   Geology rocks! 

And finally, another key from the same Etsy shop as the previous two.   They've now started doing keys with little stars on them, and I do like my little stars.   This one is a fair bit bigger than the other two, and harder to wear, as the stars catch in clothes.   It is gorgeous though, and I'm very happy with my purchase.  

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