The first is distinctly unusual. I had some old saffron kicking around. And by old, I mean really old. Over a decade old. It had gone rather mouldy and was no longer any good for cooking. But me being me, and it being such expensive stuff I didn't really want to throw it away.
And then I remembered something I'd seen on QI (God, I love QI!). Alexander the Great, having very expensive and all, used to use saffron shampoo to keep his hair a lovely reddy blonde colour. Well, I like having reddy blonde hair, so I added the old saffron to my shampoo. I tried adding to my conditioner, but it just didn't mix in properly.
So it turned my shampoo bright yellow, but what did it do to my hair? Well, it did indeed turn it a lovely reddy blonde colour. I was a bit worried it might stain my skin, but it didn't at all. Obviously it's much gentler than an artificial dye and the effect also fades pretty quick when the yellow shampoo runs out. Sadly it doesn't do a lot for dark roots, but it does sort of blur the edges of them so that they're less obvious. So yes, interesting trick and a good way of using up really old spices!
The other one is slightly more conventional and one you may well have heard before, but it worked so well for me I thought I'd pass it on! This tip was one that I found on my friend MsIzzyness 's blog in this entry . She recommends making homemade aspirin toner. But already having a toner I like I decided to just dump some aspirin into it. Well the aspirin dissolved really quickly and I honestly can't believe the difference it's made! I've never had a great skin, but just adding the aspirin has made made my skin so soft! I wouldn't go so far as to say it's perfect now, but it really is a vast improvement!
Aspirin sinks to the bottom. Does need to be shaken before use!