Monday 22 April 2013

Photo Use

So for the first time since I started this blog I've found one of my photos being used by someone else.   Here it is.   Scroll down to about the middle of the page.   Not really sure how I feel about this.   I mean, I knew it could happen.   It's always a risk when putting your stuff online.   And it's not as if they're using my photo to make money.   It's just being used to advertise a job.   But still, it's a bit weird.   But if you google Inchcolm Island my photos come up fairly near the top of the search page.   Here is my original blog post.   So now my question is, do I just shrug this off or do I start watermarking my photos?   Or at least the ones I really like?   Hmmmmmm.  


  1. You do have copyright so you can request them to remove the image. Or even at least credit you for the photograph. I don't see anything wrong in that. It is your work, your hobby, and they are exploiting it for their gain without so much as a nod to you.

    If you are going to continue to take good shots, watermarking is probably advisable. Doesn't have to be anything too big or showy. Just an EP signature or something in the a corner of the photograph
